Video Games

Developed by Isaac Brown

Welcome to our educational videogame page, where the goal is to achieve an engaging learning experience. Developed by Isaac Brown and with scientific input from other group members, these games are designed to follow the themes of research conducted in the Structural Metallic Materials Group. The goal is to transform complex concepts into an accessible and fun experience.

3D Think

Developed by Isaac Brown with scientific input from Samuel Pennell, John Misiaszek

3D Think is a puzzle game about spatial awareness that teaches players the concepts of additive manufacturing and tomography.

Sponsored by (National Science Foundation and Department of Energy)


Developed by Isaac Brown with scientific input from Samuel Pennell, John Misiaszek

Tetrice is an arcade-style game inspired by freeze-casting in which players arrange falling blocks in a 3D grid while avoiding growing ice pillars. Unlike the original 2D Tetris with one axis of rotation, Tetrice features three axes of rotation and three axes of movement.

Sponsored by (National Science Foundation and Department of Energy)


Developed by Isaac Brown with scientific input from Dr. Jie Qi

Aluminoid is a fast-paced dodging game inspired by the science of aluminum alloys. It features maps generated from lab images of cross sections of various aluminum alloys, and reflects real-world concepts such as Ostwald ripening. Check out the YouTube video demonstrating the game.

Sponsored by (National Science Foundation and Department of Energy)

Oxide Blaster

Developed by Isaac Brown with scientific input from Maryam Al-buainain, Dr. Ming Chen, Samuel Pennell, Ya-Chu Hsu

Oxide Blaster demonstrates the concepts of oxide particle reduction with hydrogen, forcing the player to plan ahead and be conservative with their use of hydrogen but quick to move and take actions.Check out the YouTube video demonstrating the game.

Sponsored by (National Science Foundation and Department of Energy)