Jie Qi
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
    Ph.D., Physics, University of Virginia
    B.S., Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    Current project(s):

    Email: jie.qi@northwestern.edu

I am from Shanxi, China. I obtained the B.S. in Physics (Physics and Math track) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2016. I was exchanged to the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2015, researching Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Center in Prof. Ania Jayich's group and being mentored by Dr. Tim Eichhorn. That was the starting point of my research career. During 2016 - 2022, I obtained my Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Virginia. In Prof. S. Joseph Poon's group, my research projects include: (1) High Entropy Alloy (HEA) synthesis, characterization, and high-throughput design, assisted by Machine Learning; (2) Magnetic thin film deposition by RF sputtering techniques.

I joined Prof. Dunand's group in 2023. Current research aims to develop castable, high-performance Al-Mischmetal-based eutectic alloys with high strength operated at elevated temperatures, while reducing the cost, energy consumption, and CO2 footprint during production compared to the Al-Ce alloys.

Outside the lab, I enjoy playing basketball, biking, leather crafting, and flying the Cessna 172 on good days.

Selected Honors

  1. Physics Department Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2021-2022
  2. Physics Department Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2020-2021
  3. Physics Department Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2016-2017
  4. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Scholarship - Reaching out Award, HKUST, 07/2016
  5. HKUST Alumni Endowment Fund - Exchange Scholarships, HKUST, 06/2015
  6. Excellence Presentation Award, The 4th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, 2015
  7. Physics Major Scholarship, HKUST, 09/2013-06/2014
  8. University Scholarship, HKUST, 09/2012 - 06/2013
  9. Publications

    1. Jie Qi, Andrew M. Cheung, and S. Joseph Poon. "High Entropy Alloys Mined From Binary Phase Diagrams." Scientific Reports 9, no. 1 (2019).
    2. Jie Qi, Diego Ibarra Hoyos, and Joseph Poon, "Machine Learning-Based Interpretation, Prediction, and Verification of High-Entropy-Alloy Intermetallic Phases Formation," arXiv:2208.02141, Aug. 2022.
    3. S. Joseph Poon, Jie Qi, and Andrew M. Cheung. Harnessing the Complex Compositional Space of High-Entropy Alloys. in High-Entropy Materials: Theory, Experiments, and Applications (eds. Jamieson Brechtl & Peter K. Liaw) 63-113 (Springer Nature, 2021).
    4. S. Joseph Poon, Jie Qi, Efficient High-Entropy Alloys Design Method Including Demonstration and Software, US Patent App. 17/380,549
    5. Inman, Samuel, Junsoo HAN, Angela Gerard, Jie Qi, Mark Wischhusen, Sean Agnew, S Poon, Kevin Ogle, and John Scully. "Effect of Mn Content on the Passivation and Corrosion of Al0.3Cr0.5Fe2MnxMo0.15Ni1.5Ti0.3 FCC Compositionally Complex Alloys." Corrosion (2021).
    6. Mitra, Mousumi, Allen Benton, Md Sabbir Akhanda, Jie Qi, Mona Zebarjadi, David J. Singh, and S. Joseph Poon. "Conventional Half-Heusler Alloys Advance State-of-the-Art Thermoelectric Properties." Materials Today Physics 28 (2022): 100900.
    7. He, Qing Lin, Ying Hoi Lai, Yi Liu, Emeline Beltjens, Jie Qi, and Iam Keong Sou. "High Performance CaS Solar-Blind Ultraviolet Photodiodes Fabricated by Seed-Layer-Assisted Growth." Applied Physics Letters 107, no. 18 (2015): 181903.