Tiffany Wu
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
    Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University

    Current project(s):
    In collaboration with Prof. Jian Cao and Prof. Ian McCue

    Phone: 847.467.5416
    Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208

I am Taiwanese born in Texas and grew up in China. I did my undergraduate study at UIUC and was in Professor Krogstad's group researching corrosion resistance on aluminized pipeline steel. I did a short exchange at Kyushu University in Japan and worked on molecular dynamics simulations for ionic diffusivity in Lanthanum Oxyflouride. I am a huge fan of Japanese manga and I draw a lot of anime fanart.

At Northwestern, I am working on additive manufacturing of eutectic aluminum-cerium alloys.


  1. T. Wu, A. Plotkowski, A. Shyam, D.C. Dunand, Microstructure and creep properties of cast near-eutectic Al-Ce-Ni alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 833 (2022) 142551.
  2. T. Wu, D.C. Dunand, Microstructure and thermomechanical properties of Al11Ce3, Intermetallics. 148 (2022) 107636.