- Hyeji Park
- Post-Doctoral Researcher
- Ph.D., Material Science and Engineering of Kookmin University, South Korea
- Current project(s):
- with Prof. Heeman Choe at Kookmin University
- Phone: 847.467.5416
- Email: hyeji.park@northwestern.edu
- Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208
I was born in South Korea and received B.S. (2013), M.S. (2015) and Ph.D. (2018) in Material Science and Engineering from Kookmin University. For my master and doctoral degree, I joined the group of Prof. Heeman Choe (in Kookmin University) working on the processing and characterization of porous materials. I have performed studies on the fabrication/microstructural/mechanical characterization of metal foam (Cu, Co, and alloy), and their potential application for lithium-ion batteries. In 2014 and 2016, I was a visiting scholar in the Dunand's group doing research on freeze-casting and ink-printing of metals. Now in 2021 at NU, I study the manufacturing of metallic foams via freeze-casting, 3D-printing and Selective laser melting
Selected Honors
- 2014, Microstructure photography Award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials.
- 2015, Microstructure photography Award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
- 2016, Best poster award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
- 2016, NRF-2016-Forstering Core Leaders of the Future Basic Science Program/Global Ph.D. Fellowship program award.
- 2017, Young woman research award, The Material Research Society of Korea
- 2017, Best Poster award, The Material Research Society of Korea
- 2018, Best presenter award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials.
- 2018, Women ceramist's best paper award, The Korean Ceramic Society
- H. Park, C. Ahn, H. Jo, M. Choi, D. S. Kim, D. K. Kim, S. Jeon, H. Choe, "Large-area metal foams with highly ordered sub-micrometer-scale pores for potential applications in energy areas", Materials Letters, 129, pp. 174-177, 2014.
- J.H. Um, H. Park, Y.-H. Cho, M.P.B. Glazer, D.C. Dunand, H. Choe, Y.-E. Sung, "3D interconnected SnO2-coated Cu foam as a high-performance anode for lithium-ion battery applications", RSC Advances, 4, pp. 58059-58063, 2014.
- J.H. Um, M. Choi, H. Park, Y.-H. Cho, D. C. Dunand, H. Choe, Y. Sung, "3D macroporous electrode and high-performance in lithium-ion batteries using SnO2 coated on Cu foam", Scientific Reports, 2016.
- H. Park, Y. Noh, H. Choi, K. Hong, K. Kwon, H.Choe, "Processing, Microstructure, and Oxidation Behavior of Iron Foams", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47(9), pp. 4760-4766, 2016.
- H. Park, M. Choi, H. Choe, D. C. Dunand, "Microstructure and compressive behavior of ice-templated copper foams with directional, lamellar pores", Materials Science and Engineering A, 679, pp. 435-445, 2017.
- H. Park, J. H. Um, H. Choi, W.-S. Yoon, Y.-E. Sung, H. Choe, "Hierarchical micro-lamella-structured 3D porous copper current collector coated with tin for advanced lithium-ion batteries", Applied Surface Science, 399, pp. 132-138, 2017.
- H. Park, H. Choi, K. Nam, S. Lee, J. H. Um, K. Kim, J.-H. Kim, W.-S. Yoon, H. Choe, "Anode design based on microscale porous scaffolds for advanced lithium ion batteries", Journal of Electronic Materials, 2017.
- K. Nam, H.-G. Kim, H. Choi, H. Park, J. Kang, Y.-E. Sung, H. C. Lee, H. Choe, "Morphology and Gas-Sensing Properties of Tin Oxide Foams with Dual Pore Structure", Journal of Electronic Materials, 2017.
- H. Choi, H. Park, J.H. Um, W.-S. Yoon, H. Choe, "Processing and Characterization of Titanium Dioxide Grown on Titanium Foam for Potential Use as Li-Ion Electrode", Applied Surface Science, 411, pp. 363- 367, 2017.
- J. Kang, Y. Noh, J. Kim, H. Choi, T. Jeon, D. Ahn, J. Kim, S. Yu, H. Park, J. Yum, W. Choi, D. C. Dunand, H. Choe, Y. Sung, "Iron oxide photoelectrode with multidimensional architecture for highly efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting", Angewante chemie, 129, pp. 1 - 7, 2017.
- J. Kang, H. Choi, J. Kim, H. Park, J. Kim, J. Choi, S. Yu, K. Lee, Y. Kang, S. Park, Y. Cho, J. Yum, D. C. Dunand, H. Choe, Y. Sung, "Multidimensional anodized titanium foam photoelectrode for Efficient Utilization of Photons in Mesoscopic Solar Cells", Small, 2017.
- H. Park, S. Lee, M. Jo, S, Park, K. Kwon, and H. Choe, "Nanowire-Like Copper Oxide Grown on Porous Copper, a Promising Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Battery", Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 54(5), pp. 438-442, 2017.
- H. Park, H.-W. Cho, K. Kim, K. Hong, J.-H. Kim, H. Choe, D.C. Dunand, "Surface-Oxidized, Freeze-Cast Cobalt Foams: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Electrochemical Performance", Acta Materialia, 142, pp. 213-225, 2018.
- K. Nam, K. Hong, H. Park, H. Choe, "Facile Synthesis of Powder-Based Processing of Porous Aluminum Nitride", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, pp. 1164-1169, 2018.
- K. Nam, H. Park, H. Choi, H. Choe, "Contiguity as a governing parameter to predict the strength of porous materials", Materials letters, pp. 99-102, 2018.
- M. El-Tahawy, P.H.R. Pereira, Y. Huang, H. Park, H. Choe, T.G. Langdon and J. Gubicza, "High strength and good ductility in an ultrafine-grained 316L steel processed by high-pressure torsion and subsequent annealing", Materials Science and Engineering A, pp. 240-242, 2018.
- H. Park+, T. Um+, K. Hong, J.S. Kang, Y.-E. Sung, H. Choe, "Effect of powder carrier on the microstructure of iron foam: Water vs. Camphene", Matallurgical and Material Transaction B, 2018.
- J. Cubicza, R. Nemeth, H. Park, K. Kim, J.-H. Kim, M. Ovari, and H. Choe, "Lithiation-induced microstructure evolution in cobalt foam electrode for lithium ion batteries", Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018.
- K. Nam, S. Lee, K. Hong, J.S. Kang, H. Jo, H. Park, Y.-E.Sung, P. Jenei, J. Gubicza, K. Kwon, H.-S. Nam, H. Choe, Freeze Casting is a Facile Method to Create Solid Solution Alloy Foams: Cu-Ni Alloy Foams via Freeze Casting, Advanced Engineering Materials, 1801265, 2019.
- H. Park, K. Hong, J.S. Kang, T. Um, M. Knapek, P. Minárik, Y.-E. Sung, K. Máthis, A. Yamamoto, H.-K. Kim, H. Choe, Acoustic emission analysis of the compressive deformation of iron foams and their biocompatibility study, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 367-376, 2019.
- G. Han, J.H. Um, H. Park, K. Hong, W.-S. Yoon, H. Choe, Hierarchically structured nanoporous copper for use as lithium-ion battery anode, Scripta Materialia, 9-13, (2019)
- MK Shobana, H. Park, H. Choe, The influence of lithium on the optical and electrical properties of CoLixFe1-xO4 nanoferrites, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1-4, 2019.
- K. Hong+, H. Park+, Y. Kim, M. Knapek, P. Minárik, K. Máthis, A. Yamamoto, H. Choe, Mechanical and biocorrosive properties of magnesium-aluminum alloy scaffold for biomedical applications, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 213-224, (2019)
- M. El-Tahawy, P. Jenei, T. Kolonits, G. Han, H. Park, H. Choe, J. Gubicza, "Different evolutions of the microstructure, texture, and mechanical performance during tension and compression of 316L stainless steel", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 3447-3460, (2020).
- H. Park, K. Kim, K. Jeong, J.S. Kang, H.-H. Cho, B. Thirumalraj, Y.-S. Sung, H. N. Han, J.-H. Kim, D.C. Dunand, H. Choe, "Integrated porous cobalt oxide/cobalt anode with micro-and nano-pores for lithium ion battery", Applied Surface Science, 146592, (2020)
- H. Park, C. Li, A.D. Jakus, R.N. Shah, H. Choe, D.C. Dunand, "High-temperature mechanical properties of ?/?' Co-Ni-W-Al superalloy microlattices", Scipta Materialia, 146-150, (2020).
- H. Park, H. Choe, D.C. Dunand, "Microstructure and Compressive Properties of 3D-Extrusion-Printed Aluminized Cobalt-based Superalloy Microlattices", in revision.