- Dr. Fei Xue
- Post-doctoral student
- Current project(s):
- (Co-advised by Prof. David Seidman)
- Phone: 847.491.3571
- Email: fei.xue@northwestern.edu
- Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208
I am from China and finished my B.E. at Northeastern University in 2007 and Ph.D. at University of Science and Technology of Beijing in 2015. Before joined Northwestern University, I did my postdoctoral research in Lehrstuhl WWI at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) and in Rolls-Royces Corporate Lab at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).
My research includes a new class of intermetallic-strengthening high-temperature cobalt-based alloys and a solid-state additive manufacturing process cold spray. At Northwestern University working jointly in the Dunand and Seidman research groups, my efforts will keep focusing on the cobalt-base alloys in an attempt to design low-cost, oxidation- and creep-resistance alloys using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe tomography (APT).
Selected Honors
- Excellent Poster Award, IUMRS-ICAM 2013
- International Symposium on Superalloys Scholarship, Superalloys 2012
- CITIC-CBMM Nb-bearing Steel Graduate Scholarship, 2012
- Excellent Graduate Student, NEU, 2007
- W. Sun, A. Bhowmik, A.W.Y. Tan, F. Xue, I. Marinescu, F. Li, E.J. Liu, Strategy of incorporating Ni-based braze alloy in cold sprayed Inconel 718 coating, Surface and Coatings Technology, in press.
- H.J. Zhou, F. Xue, H. Chang, Q. Feng, Effect of Mo on microstructural characteristics and coarsening kinetics of γ' precipitates in Co-Al-W-Ta-Ti alloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 799-805.
- F. Xue, C.H. Zenk, L.P. Freund, M. Hoelzel, S. Neumeier, M. Göken, Double minimum creep in the rafting regime of a single-crystal Co-base superalloy, Scripta Materialia, 142 (2018) 129-132.
- W.Y. Wang, F. Xue, Y. Zhang, S.L. Shang, Y. Wang, J.S. Li, X.D. Hui, Q. Feng, Z.K. Liu, Atomic and electronic basis for the solutes strengthened (010) anti-phase boundary of L12 Co3(Al, TM), Acta Materialia, 53 (2018) 1204-1216.
- Y.H. Chen, F. Xue, S.C. Mao, H.B. Long, B. Zhang, Q.S. Deng, B. Chen, P. Maguire, H.Z. Zhang, X.D. Han, Q. Feng, Elemental preference and atomic scale site recognition in a Co-Al-W-base superalloy, Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) 17240.
- H.J. Zhou, W.D. Li, F. Xue, H. Chang, Q. Feng, Alloying effects on microstructural stability and γ' phase nano-hardness in Co-Al-W-Ta-Ti-base superalloys, Superalloys 2016 (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 2016) 981-990.
- F. Xue, H.J. Zhou, Q.Y. Shi, X.H. Chen, M.L. Wang, X.F. Ding, Q. Feng, Creep behavior in a γ' strengthened Co-Al-W-Ta-Ti single-crystal alloy at 1000°C, Scripta Materialia, 97 (2015) 37-40.
- F. Xue, H.J. Zhou, Q. Feng, Improved high-temperature microstructural stability and creep property of novel Co-base single-crystal alloys containing Ta and Ti, JOM, 66 (2014) 2486-2494.
- F. Xue, T. Mi, M.L. Wang, X.F. Ding, X.H. Li, Q. Feng, Effects of Ni on microstructural evolution and γ' dissolution of novel Co-Al-W base alloys, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 50 (2014) 845-853.
- F. Xue, H.J. Zhou, X.H. Chen, Q.Y. Shi, H. Chang, M.L. Wang, X.F. Ding, Q. Feng, Improved microstructural stability and creep behavior by Ta and Ti in γ/γ' Co-Al-W-base single crystal superalloys, Eurosuperalloys 2014, (Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2014) 15002.
- X.F. Ding, T. Mi, F. Xue, H.J. Zhou, M.L. Wang, Microstructure formation in γ-γ' Co-Al-W-Ti alloys during directional solidification, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 599 (2014) 159-163.
- F. Xue, H.J. Zhou, X.F. Ding, M.L. Wang, Q. Feng, Improved high temperature γ' stability of Co-Al-W-base alloys containing Ti and Ta, Materials Letters, 112 (2013) 215-218.
- F. Xue, M. Wang, Q. Feng, Alloying effects on heat-treated microstructure in Co-Al-W-base superalloys at 1300°C and 900°C, Superalloys 2012 (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 2012) 813-821.
- F. Xue, M.L. Wang, Q. Feng, Phase equilibria in Co-Rich Co-Al-W alloys at 1300°C and 900°C, Materials Science Forum, 686 (2011) 388-391.
- F. Xue, Z.Q. Li, Q. Feng, Mo effect on the microstructure in Co-Al-W-based superalloys, Materials Science Forum, 654-656 (2010) 420-423.